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Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

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Batman (bruce wayne) dc database fandom powered. Batman is the superhero protector of gotham metropolis, a man dressed like a bat who fights in opposition to. Lego batman film extended spot released by means of wb. Warner bros. Photographs has debuted a brand new the lego batman movie prolonged tv spot. The lego batman movie will open in theaters on february 10, 2017. Listing of batman video video games wikipedia. Batman from dc comics has seemed as the main person in severa video games created for diverse systems for over two decades. This is a whole list of batman. The darkish knight batman wiki fandom powered by using wikia. The dark knight is a 2008 superhero movie based on the fictional dc comics man or woman batman, it is the sequel to the 2005 release, batman starts. The movie is directed. Amazon the darkish knight christian bale, michael. The darkish knight reunites christian bale with director christopher nolan and takes batman across the world in his quest to fight a growing criminal threat called the. The darkish knight rises youtube. · christopher nolan returns to complete the gotham trilogy that released with batman starts and reached the stratosphere with the billion greenback blockbuster. Forty six things you didn’t recognise about the batman films vulture. In our state-of-the-art version of vulture scavenger, we waded through all six current batman movies and accompanying substances.

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The dark knight batman wiki fandom powered by wikia. The dark knight is a 2008 superhero film based on the fictional dc comics character batman, it is the sequel to the 2005 release, batman begins. The film is directed.

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